The ANAO is seeking to engage an IT Procurement Consultancy Service Provider (Service Provider) to work closely with the Director, Strategic Project Delivery in the Chief Technology Officer team; Senior Director, Procurement & Digital Sourcing, and other ANAO internal stakeholders to manage an open tender approach to market for a replacement Audit Tool and support the successful delivery of the replacement Audit Tool Request for Tender process (ATR RFT).
The services will include as a minimum:
- Inception meeting to describe and define the Service Provider deliverables, timelines, role and responsibilities;
- Provide comprehensive, efficient and effective oversight and management of the ATR RFT;
- Work with internal stakeholders, legal and probity advisers to finalise requirements and procurement documentation for inclusion in ATR RFT and contract negotiation activities;
- Establish appropriate controls and supporting documentation to ensure probity in ATR RFT processes;
- Using ANAO templates and in accordance with the ANAO and Commonwealth Procurement Framework, prepare suite of tender and other documentation to support procurement and contract management outcomes and seek legal and probity input/review as appropriate;
- Assist the Director, Strategic Project Delivery with internal approval processes and help coordinate activities within tight timeframes;
- Maintain appropriate records to document procurement activities and decisions made in accordance with Commonwealth Procurement Rules;
- Provide status updates to the Director, Strategic Project Delivery for ANAO governance committees and other stakeholders;
- Advise and assist in the evaluation of submissions received in response to ATR RFT;
- Help prepare the evaluation team before the evaluation commences;
- Prepare evaluation templates for the evaluation;
- Advise and assist the evaluation team when required;
- Create Evaluation Report and manage stakeholders to get it endorsed and approved;
- Advise and assist in negotiations with successful Tenderer/s when required;
- Create Negotiation Report and manage stakeholders to get it endorsed and approved;
- Prepare S23 Approval documentation for delegate approval; and
- Create Contract Management Plan.
- Work a maximum of 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday. If a public holiday occurs, reducing the working week to less than 40 hours, the Service Provider should adjust their hours accordingly. For that week, the total required hours will be reduced to reflect the public holiday, so the remaining workdays will not exceed standard daily hours. Public holiday hours will be applied on a pro-rata basis. Timesheets submitted by close of business each Friday to the Director, Strategic Project Delivery.
You must have significant project management experience including:
- qualifications and/or experience in federal government procurement and project management;
- strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
- effective writing and verbal communication skills;
- time management and prioritisation skills;
- high level of attention to detail;
- high level stakeholder relationship development and management skills; and
- Proactive, dependable, accountable and delivers high quality work;
Security clearance
The Service Provider’s specified personnel must hold at a minimum, BASELINE AGSVA Security Clearance prior to commencement and maintain their security clearance, for the term of the work order.
Service Provider training
The Service Provider’s specified personnel must successfully complete mandatory ANAO Contractor training online within the first month and annually thereafter.
PRICE • Total cost;
The total cost to ANAO Note to Respondents: Submissions should include details of any assumptions that may impact price here and complete the tables below to provide information on pricing and additional fees/charges that may apply.
• Hourly/Daily rates, GST inclusive, for specified personnel, including an indication of the level/seniority for each resource (this should be consistent with the information contained in relevant CVs). Hourly rate based on 8hr day, Monday – Friday (excluding ACT Public Holidays and Public Service Holidays)
Candidate Name Position/role Hourly rate ex GST GST Hourly rate GST inc 1 2 3 Candidate Name Position/role Daily rate ex GST GST Daily rate GST inc 1 2 3
- Provision of Procurement Plan Methodology – outline approach to delivering services.;
- Demonstrated understanding and experience of the Commonwealth Resource Management Framework in relation to procurement and Commonwealth Procurement Rules;
- Demonstrate full understanding and ability to deliver the services, meet deadlines, including documentation required to support and complete the Services. Respondents must also nominate any requirements they cannot meet or can only partially meet and provide reason why;
- Approach to enhancing and developing customer relationships;
- Communication strategy proposed to ensure appropriate communication channels are established;
- Methods and processes for dealing with customer complaints or to resolve issues;
- Respondent’s approach to dealing with changes to the scope of services;
- The Respondent is invited to submit, any improvements, initiatives or other value adds that it believes will complement or enhance the Services. Key Personnel
- Provide CV’s (including skills, qualifications, experience) and FTE % allocation of all staff involved in the provision of services (maximum of 3 staff);
- EXPERIENCE & PAST PERFORMANCE Provide details of your organisation’s previous and current work with three clients including:
- Client/company name;
- Description of the services provided;
- Outcome provided to the client;
- Description of how the previous work and experience is relevant to the required ANAO services;
- A table with client contact name/phone/email whom ANAO may contact, details of previous/current work, site/location address, start & completion date, $AUD value.C